The Photography Studio​

Hobart, Tasmania

The Melinda Thomas Photography studio space is an extension of our home and is a dedicated, comfy space set up with families in mind.

There’s a studio light set-up for our magical kids creations, as well as gorgeous, natural light flooding the space for when we want to use that too. Cosy lounges and a relaxed vibe mean you and the kids can sit back chill when you need to.

And of course, there's a ton of costumes, props, and all the unique little things we use during Magical Kids sessions to add to the magic!


Suitable for kids of all ages, room to relax and room to create some magic!


Extensive range of props for both boys and girls. Kids can take their pick so it is special to them. You can also bring in something special to you.

Cinema Screen

View your images on a huge cinema screen which makes it super easy to choose what to have in your home.


All products are on display for you to see exactly what they look like.